Well, we woke up ridiculiously early the next morning. Like 6 am kind of ridiculious. The side of dawn reserved for birds and obnoxiously chipper people. Must have been something about the whole feel of untamed forest that got us stirring out of bed so early.
We took our time getting dressed and ventured out on a shopping excursion. Unfortunatly, there weren't all that many impressive shops in the little forgotten towns of White Bluff and Dickson. We did eat at a hole in the wall place called The Perfect Pig. If its reputation hadn't carried itself north to Nashville no one in their right mind would have stopped there. Luckily, we aren't well known for being in our right mind anyway. The food was pretty tasty. I doubly enjoyed their hand battered chicken tenders and home made pies. Though most people show up in herds for their BBQ.
All this time, my poor darling Josefina had to hold down the fort back at the lodge. We didn't stay out too late into the day because Tennessee was boasting some record breaking heat temperatures. We took back to our lodgings and bunkered down and rested until the sun decided to clock out for the day. I took this oppertunity to trek through the foliage with Josefina and my youngest DD at my side. We wandered down by the edge of the river. It was very picturisque. We had a grand time all until we attracted too much attention from an unwanted black and yellow friend. Sooo back up to the room we went.

By the time we made it back into the air conditioned atmosphere we were drenched in sweat as if we had just stepped out of a steamy shower. The sun was no longer high in the sky and we were at a cooler part of the day. I can't imagine having our adventure during the mid day.
Ate a nice dinner at the local Ponderosa. The peak of the experiance being carrot cake :O After that called it an early evening and took to good old fashion snoring.
And the very NEXT DAY... the cat came back.. we thought he was a gonner but the cat came back... oops thats not right..

Over all it was a good trip. We didn't really go far from home but it made us feel out of our element and like we got away from it all. Definatly plan on going back in the near future.