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Sunday, July 31, 2011

I've Seen Better Days

I know its a double post day but it wouldn't be right if I just didn't make note of this as it happened today.

Woke up this morning in a pretty chipper mood.  My youngest DD wanted to "talk" with one of my dolls and on this occasion she picked Miss Molly.  Molly is my oldest and dearest doll.  She is looking forward to celebrating her 20th birthday this Christmas. 

Well, as we were playing something shiny caught my eye.  I brought Molly into the light and that's when it hit me....


Molly has the starting of silver eye!! A dolly disease nightmare!  I am absolutely devastated.  My most true and loyal dolly friend is not well.

I cant begin to put into words how this distressed me so.  I know that it can be fixed and I normally don't shy away from dolly restorations but this is KILLING ME.  I just can't bear the thought of her wig removed and her eyes gouged out.  I suppose its the small child buried in the adult that just can't  stand the idea her childhood friend could weather such horrors and torments!

I really really hope that this is as bad as they get.  I can live with it if this is what to be expected. Both eyes at the moment are even in their deterioration.  It actually gives her a magical twinkle of a look.  I'm just going to melt if it becomes full blown.

I really don't think I can stomach "surgery" on my first friend.

Its bad enough that could be in my future, I'm putting my foot down on Molly following in my stead.

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